Thursday, April 1, 2010

31 March 2010 - Last Day @ A***

This was actually my last Day of work at A***. I resigned for sake of my poor health. I wouldn't want to go to work i was scared, anxious and very panicking, i was till on fluoxetine.

My husband & i took the taxi to my A*** com. To return my badge, clear my belongings , sign exit interview. Luckily with the help of my qa engineer, eliada. i was able to do all things neatly. She knew i had depression and she helped me alot! Really got to thanked her.

I dunno why i reacted very strange i cry the moment i stepped into the office.
I feel very terrible. But after letting out the cry i feel much more better. My colleague , Ah mei says she's pregnant after the giddy symptoms, happy for her, coz it's a long wait.

Yati (former colleague at F***)
Jennifer Law
Chye Mei Yuen
Cheng Boling
Eric Lau
Eliada Lim
Daniel Seah