Monday, November 1, 2010

1 November 2010 - Acne regime

Acne regimen
Just wanna share my acne regimen with some people, although not so effective , but work alright for my skin. But i strongly believe.

1) Getting enough sleep
2) Drink plenty water, flush out toxins. (8 glasses!!! visiting toilet very regularly)
3) Eat healthy and balanced diet, eat less oil, salty food more on soupy stuff.
4) Wash face 2-3 times per day.

My facial routines are as follows:

1) Cleansing solution from a doctor clinic (Espilon Cleanser = with antiseptic + ianolin)

2) Avene Cleanance Lotion (toner)

3) Avene Cleanance Anti shine regulating lotion (moisturisers non oily)

4) ICM Calamol lotion (on pimple areas)
=Only to dry and heal pimples, but doesn't heal red spots.

5) ICM Acne clear (on pimple areas, had to be careful coz it makes skin red and dry and peeling), I dun say it's really effective but it makes my pale skin very red and dry, flakey.

I just use for 2 weeks (20 oct 2010 - 1 nov 2010).
*Nodules or cystic acne (swollen just like mosquito bites) can actually reduce swell fast if you faithfully apply for approximately 4 -5 days.
As based on the dermatologist, it's approximate 6-8 weeks to see or notice the difference in skin, So be patient...

1 comment:

  1. ICM acne cream use for 3 days and stopped. else will continue reddens!! then use reapir skin cream then continue apply thin layers of ICM acne cream.
